Tuesday 13 March 2012

Its Always Sunny in Struggletown

Man oh man! As my bestie Shyla Stads would say...I'm the mayor of struggle town this week!! Meaning, holy smokes im having a rough go! So many decisions, some that Ive made the wrong ones, some that im really hoping to make the right ones, and some that im hoping to turn from wrong to right. If that makes sense!! Dang school has got me all bent over backwards, and im trying to find new ways to figure everything out and deal with it. If anyone understands my reference in my title, it has to do with the tv show its always sunny in philidalphia. Yep! And for my post today means that im trying some way to keep the sun shinin on all these crappy days ive been having!! And for a start, I got a job! Wahoo! The same camp that I worked at last summer that I absolutely adored. Im so excited!! Also, im starting yoga with Lachele to see if that can crank my good moods into full action! Hopefully it works! Haha.
Oh by the way, Keith got his mission call finally!! He will be serving in the Halifax mission! He reports April 11th. Hes going to do so well!! I just know it :) I love that boy to pieces.
Anyways back to my rant.
Hopefully things start looking up from here! I dont know why Ive been struggling so much, but I know that sooner or later things will take a turn for the better. They must I say! Or else I might turn a little bit crazier than I am already, and that wouldnt be good! Haha.
Anyways, Im off to bed. Love you all, keep smiling. And do good work in the world!!
Peace and blessings.

Monday 23 January 2012

21. Legit.

So I turned 21 today! Wahoo! Haha I dont really feel that much different other than I'm pretty sure I am finally allowed to go to Vegas? Gamble? Male strippers?! Not for me but if it was, let me tell you i'd be there! I can however, get my groove on on whicever dance floor my heart desires all around the world!! That's more like it! Haha. Anyways, my friends are amazing!! My birthday weekend was so much fun, beat the crap out of the team we played on Saturday and than my team treated myself and the Aussie on my team who in fact shares the exact same birthday with me, to a nice dinner at Mel Rose!! So much fun. Then, on Sunday, my bestie Lachele made me breakfast AND threw me a nice dinner party after church!! Not to mention my CELTICS HAT!!! Ahhh just the greatest!! :)

Oh yeah, and dont mind the gift bag, its a running joke with Lachele and I and a few others about being Breasties!! Haha.
Anyways, my mother also treated me to a fantastic birthday dinner on Friday night when she was here. I LOVE that woman!! She is freaking hilarious. We went with my little brother Wyatt, Lachele, my mom, her friend Dana and her husband (both of whom I will be living with in May, YAY!! They're hysterical.) And yeah it was just a great evening!!
Today is officially my birthday, and what do I get to do?! WORKOUT!!! Yay!! I can finally start working out, im getting over a concussion that I received in basketball practice dang it! But what a better way to ring in my 21st bday haha and at SMASH conditioning too! So getting my butt WHOOPED by our trainer, with my team, and then go eat a ton of wings afterwards.
Anyways, im off!! Peace and blessings!!
Keep smilin!! :)

Monday 9 January 2012

New Beginning

So its officially the New Year. 2012. Bring it on. There are so many changes that have happend with my family, a new twist in what I want to do with my schooling, and of course, basketball. So as of right now, a few things are going to change. Every day I am going to tell my mother I love her. Whether it be via text, phone call, etc. She needs to hear it.

I am going to start doing me. Whether it be working out, reading, watching a movie, or in the best case scenario, having a nap haha I am going to do what makes me feel good. I am so sick of having no time for myself that I am going to start making time. I have started doing one on one workouts with my assistant coach, Mark Hogan. This man is absolutely amazing! He is the most dedicated man to basketball. He always has advice, and one of his one hour sessions works me out harder than a two hour actual ball practice. Its crazy! But its necessary for my pursuits of becoming better.   I am also going to become more organized. Organization is key for me, and I was definately not organized last semester and it showed in almost every aspect of my life.
And last but not least, im going to take chances. Chances on boys, chances on the court, chances with life in general. Im so used to living day to day and have become comfortable. No more comfort. I am going to step outside of my comfort zone. I dont know exactly how that will work for me, but in the end I will have learned some sort of new lesson.
Anyways! Hope everyone who is reading this, whoever you may be, has had a great New Year!!!
Keep smiling ya'll!!

Thursday 15 December 2011

Timing Is Everything

Man oh man! Its been ages since I have last blogged. I cant even believe it! So much has been happening, school is ending for the first semester, I just did my last exam today and Im outta here later on in the evening! Whooop! I cant wait for Christmas! Its seriously my most favorite time of the year. All of my family comes home and its chaotic!
Anyways, other than that, not a whole lot is new. Other than EVERYBODY getting married! Seriously! I just got back from my best friends wedding, which was so beautiful by the way, and it made me want to get married SOOOOO freaking badly!!
When her dad gave her away and Brandon replied, it was seriously the cutest thing ever. And I just cant wait until the man comes that is meant for me. I know that it might not be anytime soon, but I know that it will be the perfect time when it does happen. I have to keep such a positive outlook on this, because no word of a lie, me and one other of my friends are the only two that are not married. ITS INSANE! And im so jealous haha but one day my man will come, and it will be perfect :)
Anyways, umm what else to say.. my brother is waiting to get his mission call.
 AHHH! Like I said though, timing is everything. And he is meant to be called at this time to wherever he might be called to! I cant wait to see him grow and mature even more than he already is. He is my best friend in the whole world, I cant wait to see him succeed on his mission, no matter how much I am going to miss him.
Welp, I best be off!! Merry Christmas everybody!!! Whoever you may be...give service, love others, and keep smiling!!!

Wednesday 19 October 2011

B-Ballin my life away!!

Holy smokes! I literally have no life outside of school and basketball. Life is crazzzzy!! Its a good thing for FHE and church on Sundays or else I would have zero friends other than my team and roomies. Not that they're not great people!! :) Even when im home, im locked in my room doing homework. How joyful the school year is! Nawwwwwt.
Welp, we finished pre-season for the 2011-2012 year! And we're 5-4. The four losses came from some very good CIS teams that we played, and I can deffinately say that they were wins in our books, because we learned so much from those games. Played our hearts out, and walked away with our heads held high. Well...I cant say that I was exactly happy with the loss...because lets get real here, I am an insanely competative person! And I HATE to lose. But...after giving it some thought, my coach was right. Haha! Not gonna lie, if we dont make it to Nats this year (Nationals) Im going to be one very upset little lady!! We have a SICK team this year. And im gonna go out on a limb here and say, yes, we are good enough to go to Nats. Anyways, league starts this weekend against Med. Hat, and im suuper excited! I cant wait to get goin and start playin our games! :)
School sucks, what else is new? As much as I complain about it however, I very much enjoy the routine and the crazy people that attend Mount Royal. Seriously, I laugh almost everyday at the silly things, myself included, that happen to people. One day, im going to go a full day without embarassing myself. I will do it I tell you! (Whoever you may be....) MIght be hard..but ill get there one day!
Anyways, Keith is leaving for his mission soon. HOly crow. Not ready for that day to come, thats for sure!! But, it will, and ill cry, and he'll leave. But he will do sooooooo great!! I cant wait for him to get out there and do some work!!
Well, its 130am here, and I should be studying. But I took a break. Im pulling my first all nighter of the year! Wahooo......im so excited. Please note that my all nighters consist of me passing out by 4am or earlier. Wish me luck!!!
Keep smilin ladies and gents!!

Monday 3 October 2011

A Win's a Win!

So, the year has kick started at MRU, and there are a few things that I have learned, yes, im in my third year and im still learning the ways of the world at University.
1) No matter what cluster of courses you need, if there is a language course, DO NOT take it. I am taking French right now, because I thought, "Oh sweet! Ill learn a new language and get a course out of the way." Not so. Its so frustrating! French 1109 is deffinately not for me. Thank heavens for my friend Jared who is graciously helping me on occasion while I stumble through phrases and stutter across accents. All I can say is, its gonna be a long semester, for us both! Haha.
2) As much as you think you know someone, he or she might still surprise you. I have met so many new people, and lost a few as well unfortunately. Thats how life goes though. Win some, ya lose some. Its funny to me, how people can go from being so, comfortable and united with one another, to being almost strangers. Time passes, people change, but it saddens me to know that although the memories are still there with that person, there will never be anymore to come. But, thank the Lord for all of the people he has blessed me with, and all of the people that are still in my life!! I love you all :)
3) No matter what life throws at you, find something positive in it. There have been countless times where I have taken things the wrong way, had something been said about me, had a late assignment, missed a class, had a crappy game/practice...ETC!! But I have come to learn, that no matter what, if I want to keep myself sane, I have to have a positive outlook on life! Everybody had challenges, everybody has trials. But not everybody will face them head on, and come out with things still in place. For me, I have to remember to keep smiling, and LAUGH. A smile is the easiest thing to do! When something goes terribly wrong, it might take a while for that smile to get there, but find something in your day, or someone else's day, to smile about!!
And last but not least, be nice to yourself. Im pretty sure every person, girls especially, go through phases where they are not happy with themselves, and im speaking mainly about our bodies. We live in a world where beauty is everything. But thats not so. Its crazy to me to think, that beautiful girls are going unnoticed, simply because they have a bigger butt, bigger hips, or more curves to them! Rock those curves!! Bootylicious!! Frick, I have to be so positive because I do find myself getting down on myself on occasion, and I dont need to be. If im eating healthy, kickin my butt at the gym, and SMILING. Im going to be happy with myself.
So, what have you learned lately? Have you helped someone else smile today? The best way for you to smile, is to help someone else. I loooooove giving service. I feel so fantastic afterwards!
So have a good week, and take what you can get! Make it positive! Because I know for a fact, that no matter how crappy your day might be, someone else is having a worse one! So keep smilin folks!
Until next time! :)

Monday 26 September 2011

The Fam-damily :)

Man oh man. 36. I am the oldest of now 36 grandkids on one side!! My Gramma Mona is so proud of us all, and we're all awesome, so why shouldnt she be?! :) MaRee just had her fourth child, a cute little boy whom they have named Zepherin Lewis Porier. I think that's such a sweet name! Little Zeph :) I absolutely adore each and every child in my family. It wouldnt be the same without any one of them! It was always a zoo at my Grandparents house every Sunday when we would gather for Sunday dinners! Man alive I miss that atmosphere so much! A million people, kids running around causing mayhem, and Grammy and Gramps just chillin in the midst of it all. Okay, Grams doesnt exactly ever chill, she is the one running around trying to make 10x more food so that she has enough in case anyone else decides to drop in for dinner. I miss my Grandpa a lot, I wish I played closer to home more often so that he could come to my games. Whenever he is in the stands I just always have an extra edge to me, because I love doing well for him. I love making him proud. And I love hearing him beak the refs every chance he gets!!  He always asks me, "Did you get any blood on your jersey?" " No Grandpa...." "Well than you didnt play hard enough!!" Haha :) My Grams is the sweetest lady ever. There isnt a time when we bust out guitar hero that she isnt drumming/singing away! Or, when we catch her at night playing the WII by herself!! Haha she is thee worlds coolest grandma. I am so blessed to have her, she will do anything for anyone! And my goal in life is to become HALF the cook that she is. I cannot even describe the joy i experience when i walk into her house and smell something baking. Best thing ever!!!
My aunts and uncles...wow. GONGSHOW. they're like little children themselves half the time!! Which is why i ADORE them all so so much. My aunt Erin and my Aunt Norma are like sisters to me. I seriously dont know what i would do without them!! They're amazing. My uncle David and Chester are phenom, they have taught Keith and I so much, and I can only hope that my sons one day will be as amazing as their uncles.
Anywho, I miss them all so so much. As much as I dont miss Raymond, actually thats a lie, there are lots of small things about Raymond that I miss, but mainly, I miss the mayhem and love of my family. I love going back to visit and seeing all the little tykes that have grown, its crazy how fast they do!! And everytime i do go back its like theres 1 or 2 more babies to hold!! Yay!! :) Hahaha dont tell but I secretly LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE babysitting for my family, simply because I get to hold the babies anytime I want! :) Anyways, yay for family!! I have yet to mention my immediate family, because im saving a special post for them at a later date. Family is the best!!!! I love you all.
Keep smiling!! :)
Later days!!!